AR15 Parts and Accessories by M&A Parts

Mossberg 590 Shotgun Sling Adaptor MI MCTAR

Shop » Gear » Mossberg 590 Shotgun Sling Adaptor MI MCTAR
  • Mossberg 590 Shotgun Sling Adaptor MI MCTAR
  • Mossberg 590 Shotgun Sling Adaptor MI MCTAR
  • Mossberg 590 Shotgun Sling Adaptor MI MCTAR

Product Details

MCT590-2L Slot MCT590-1L Loop Style end plate shot gun

Shotgun Accessories; End Plate Adaptors For Shotguns Features: Each end plate adaptor is available in either a loop (left picture) or a slot (rt pic) configuration to accommodate the type of sling the operator is using. The attacment point will appear on the left side of the weapon. SPECIFY WHICH YOU WANT IN SPECIAL REMARKS SECTION OF YOU ORDER. Simple installation, the end plate adaptor fits between the stock and the receiver. Billet machined from 6061 aluminum.

M&A Price: $27.00

Usually Ships 2-3 Days
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