AR15 Parts and Accessories by M&A Parts

M14 / M1 Garand Windage Knob

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  • M14 / M1 Garand Windage Knob
  • M14 / M1 Garand Windage Knob
  • M14 / M1 Garand Windage Knob

Product Details

M14 / M1 Garand Windage Knob

M14 / M1 Garand Windage Knob, these are new old stock. These were manufactured by Bruce Machine. You can by these individually or a can of 20. We also have a few “DRC” individually wrapped; these were made by Druge Brothers Manufacturing

M&A Price: $16.50

Usually Ships 2-3 Days
Item #
M14/M1 WindKnob