AR15 Parts and Accessories by M&A Parts

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IL and WA Assault Weapons Ban

IL and WA Assault Weapons Ban


The IL & WA Assault Weapons Ban immediately ends the manufacture, delivery, sale, import, and purchase of assault weapons and any part or combination of parts intended to convert a firearm into an assault weapon including any combination of parts from which an assault weapon may be readily assembled if those parts are in the possession or under the control of the same person. Allows possession and legal use of existing assault weapons by a person who possessed them before the effective date, so long as the weapon is endorsed with ISP by January 1, 2024

Large Capacity Magazines Ban (LCM)

Immediately bans the manufacture, delivery, sale, or purchase of large capacity magazines, more than 10 rd for long guns and 15 rd for handguns.

Unfortunately, what this all means is that we can no longer sell anything AR / Ban related to Illinois & Washington residents at this time. If you are Illinois Law Enforcement you are exempt, but you will need to email ([email protected]) or fax (847-550-0654) a copy of your ID at the time your order is placed, otherwise it will not be processed.


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